
When Did Zoro And Sanji Learn Haki

When was it shown that Zoro and Sanji had haki?

I just finished episode 594 and I'k really confused. Law told Luffy that only haki users tin can fight Ceasar Clown. Then Luffy says the only haki users in his crew are him, Zoro, and Sanji... And no one in his crew looked surprised by that fact. When the hell was information technology revealed that they had haki? Did I miss something?

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level one

Sanji kicked Caribou. Spoiler. All three of the Monster Trio could sense Caribou back during Fishman Island. He was the raging fauna Luffy asked the two if they could sense.

Edit: And though I may be incorrect. I believe there was an SBS about information technology. Zoro specialized in CoA, Sanji in CoO, and Luffy in CoC.

level ii

I simply finished episode 594

some things in your mail don't happen until after this episode, friend.

level i

It doesn't need to be shown, Luffy could've asked that, and most likely since he himself has haki he sensed it

level 2

I thought that at first only Franky, Nami, Chopper, and Robin don't have the slightest bit of haki and they didn't look surprised at all when he said information technology. Almost like they knew likewise. I guess it happened off screen but it really caught me off guard.

On a side note: That episode also upset me past the fact they cut out the sound when Law said what emperor they were going after. I'k positive he said Shanks. If it's not.... then... well... I await stupid.

level ane

Zoro used conquerors haki in ep 395, or atleast something that initimidated the shit out of some bounty hunters, migh accept just accept been his glare.

level two

Why are you commenting on a post I fabricated half-dozen years ago? How did yous even find this? You madman lmao.

level one

They all knew Caribou was hiding in the castle

level 1

Zoro just used Avant-garde CoC in the new chapter

level 1

Yes I literally looked up this question, I just finished that episode and I accept never seen sanji use haki before. I presume it was only an off screen thing where they know that they can utilise it but it confused me I idea I'd missed a big fight somehow while skipping filler

level 2

But like Luffy using the second gear and third gear. Would accept loved it if they showed how he figured it out.

level i

im litteraly on the same episode and looked information technology upwards right after he said it, i thought the Diable Jamble was Ammunition Haki on his leg because how else was it on fire with no damage done to himself. Simply no they just dont evidence that they accept Haki, not which blazon, non how they got information technology.. nothing


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